CLRA 0.1.2

Package com.clra.web

Interface Summary
IEventList Declares JSP attributes and bean properties for sorted lists of scheduled events.
IMemberNameList Declares JSP attributes and bean properties for alphabetized lists of members.
INameList Declares JSP attributes and bean properties for alphabetized lists of stuff.

Class Summary
BoatSet A collection of "finder" methods that return read-only, sorted sets of CLRA boats.
CalendarBean Represents a date in a GUI.
Configuration A collection of configurable properties used by this package.
Constants Manifest constants for the CLRA application.
EditParticipationAction A workflow manager that sets up an input form which queries a user for information needed to create, edit, or view participation in a rowing session.
EditRowingSessionAction A workflow manager that sets up an input form which queries a user for information needed to create, edit, publish, view, delete or cancel a rowing session.
EnrollmentSet A JSP bean that provides ordered lists of EnrollmentViews.
EnrollmentView Read-only information about enrollment of a member in a rowing session.
FormattedDate A JSP bean that displays a formatted date.
LabelValueBean Simple JavaBean to represent label-value pairs for use in collections that are utilized by the <form:options> tag.
LogonAction Implementation of Action that validates a user logon.
LogonForm Form bean for the user profile page.
LogoutAction Implementation of Action that processes a user logoff.
MemberNameFormat Formats the name of CLRA member according to a few different patterns.
MemberNameFormatSelectorTag Allows the user to specify whether names should be formated according to MemberNameFormat.FIRSTLAST or MemberNameFormat.LASTFIRST.
MemberSet A JSP bean that provides ordered lists of MemberViews.
MemberTag MemberTag member, used to get the CLRA member who is currently logged in.
MemberView Read-only information about a member.
MonthViewSelectorTag Stuff.
NameSelectorTag Allows the user to choose a group of items, selected by the first letter of their name.
OarsetSet A collection of "finder" methods that return read-only, sorted sets of CLRA oarsets.
Participant2View Read-only information about a member's participation in rowing session.
ParticipantView Read-only information about a member's participation in rowing session.
ParticipationForm Form bean for the session signup screen.
RowingSessionForm Form bean for the rowing session page.
RowingSessionLevelBean Represents the level of a rowing session.
RowingSessionStateBean Represents the state of a rowing session.
RowingSessionTypeBean Represents the type of a rowing session.
SaveParticipationAction A workflow manager that pulls data about a rowing session from an input form.
SaveRowingSessionAction A workflow manager that pulls data about a rowing session from an input form.
SessionSet A JSP bean that provides ordered lists of SessionViews.
SessionView Read-only information about a session.
Text A thin wrapper around the Jakarta MessageResources class.
WebUtils Some utilities related to presenting information to the user.
YearViewSelectorTag Stuff.

Exception Summary
WebException Indicates an error related to the web package.

CLRA 0.1.2