Class Summary |
BoatSet |
A collection of "finder" methods that return read-only, sorted sets
of CLRA boats. |
CalendarBean |
Represents a date in a GUI. |
CalendarBean.AmPm |
CalendarBean.Days |
CalendarBean.Hours |
CalendarBean.Minutes |
CalendarBean.Months |
CalendarBean.Years |
Configuration |
A collection of configurable properties used by this package. |
Constants |
Manifest constants for the CLRA application. |
EditParticipationAction |
A workflow manager that sets up an input form which queries a user for
information needed to create, edit, or view participation in a rowing
session. |
EditRowingSessionAction |
A workflow manager that sets up an input form which queries a user for
information needed to create, edit, publish, view, delete or
cancel a rowing session. |
EnrollmentSet |
A JSP bean that provides ordered lists of EnrollmentViews. |
EnrollmentView |
Read-only information about enrollment of a member in a rowing session. |
FormattedDate |
A JSP bean that displays a formatted date. |
LabelValueBean |
Simple JavaBean to represent label-value pairs for use in collections
that are utilized by the <form:options> tag. |
LogonAction |
Implementation of Action that validates a user logon. |
LogonForm |
Form bean for the user profile page. |
LogoutAction |
Implementation of Action that processes a
user logoff. |
MemberNameFormat |
Formats the name of CLRA member according to a few different patterns. |
MemberNameFormatSelectorTag |
Allows the user to specify whether names should be formated according to
MemberNameFormat.FIRSTLAST or MemberNameFormat.LASTFIRST. |
MemberSet |
A JSP bean that provides ordered lists of MemberViews. |
MemberTag |
MemberTag member, used to get the CLRA member who is currently
logged in. |
MemberView |
Read-only information about a member. |
MonthViewSelectorTag |
Stuff. |
NameSelectorTag |
Allows the user to choose a group of items, selected by the first
letter of their name. |
OarsetSet |
A collection of "finder" methods that return read-only, sorted sets
of CLRA oarsets. |
Participant2View |
Read-only information about a member's participation in rowing session. |
ParticipantView |
Read-only information about a member's participation in rowing session. |
ParticipationForm |
Form bean for the session signup screen. |
RowingSessionForm |
Form bean for the rowing session page. |
RowingSessionLevelBean |
Represents the level of a rowing session. |
RowingSessionStateBean |
Represents the state of a rowing session. |
RowingSessionTypeBean |
Represents the type of a rowing session. |
SaveParticipationAction |
A workflow manager that pulls data about a rowing session from
an input form. |
SaveRowingSessionAction |
A workflow manager that pulls data about a rowing session from
an input form. |
SessionSet |
A JSP bean that provides ordered lists of SessionViews. |
SessionView |
Read-only information about a session. |
Text |
A thin wrapper around the Jakarta MessageResources class. |
WebUtils |
Some utilities related to presenting information to the user. |
YearViewSelectorTag |
Stuff. |