CLRA 0.1.2

Uses of Class

Packages that use RowingSessionType

Uses of RowingSessionType in com.clra.rowing

Fields in com.clra.rowing declared as RowingSessionType
static RowingSessionType RowingSessionType.PRACTICE
static RowingSessionType RowingSessionType.REGATTA

Methods in com.clra.rowing that return RowingSessionType
 RowingSessionType IRowingSession.getType()
          Returns the type of a rowing session
static RowingSessionType RowingSessionType.getType(String name)
 RowingSessionType RowingSessionSnapshot.getType()
          Returns the type of a rowing session

Methods in com.clra.rowing with parameters of type RowingSessionType
static IRowingSession RowingUtils.createRowingSession(Date date, RowingSessionLevel level, RowingSessionType type)
          Creates a rowing session
 IRowingSession IRowingSessionHome.create(Date date, RowingSessionLevel level, RowingSessionType type)
          Creates a rowing session on the specified date (and time).
 void IRowingSession.setType(RowingSessionType type)
          Edits the type of a rowing session.

Constructors in com.clra.rowing with parameters of type RowingSessionType
RowingSessionSnapshot(Integer id, RowingSessionState st, Date dt, RowingSessionLevel lv, RowingSessionType tp)

CLRA 0.1.2